How to create interesting content by using the Buyer’s Journey

Understand the Buyer's Journey

No matter what type of product or service people are looking for, customers typically follow a similar pattern in their purchasing decision (often called the buyer’s journey). If you understand the stages of the buyer’s journey, you can provide the right information to prospective customers at the right time and engage them much earlier than your […]

Creating your Value Proposition

Stand out text written over ballet students

Are you the same as your competitors? It’s a simple question but also a profoundly difficult question for many business owners (especially service providers). Be honest and answer it. If you are the same as your competitors, why would customers choose you? Is it because you are shouting the loudest? If you can afford to […]

Develop your small business marketing plan by setting marketing goals

Develop your small business marketing goals

Define Your Marketing Goals “Goals. There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them.”  Jim Rohn There are many reasons why small businesses reach out to us. Often […]

Do I need a marketing plan for my small business?

Woman at desk using laptop

I get it – you’d prefer to be doing anything other than developing a marketing plan. Of course, you can wing it but what usually happens is your marketing looks like a mix of tactics and tools from a variety of in-house and external sources.  On a good day, you won’t truly know what’s working […]

Top 3 reasons why your marketing isn’t working

Small Business Marketing To do list

Clients usually call me when they’re stuck with their marketing. They have a great service/product but they’re having trouble finding new customers. They’ve tried all sorts of marketing tactics but just can’t get results (or aren’t getting the results for the time and money being spent).  Does this sound familiar? I have worked with hundreds […]

How do I write a small business marketing plan for my small business?

Steps to writing a marketing plan for your small business

Every business (no matter how small or how long established) needs to do marketing. You can do it as you go along but I wouldn’t recommend it for business survival and growth. A small business marketing plan won’t guarantee sales and revenue but a good, well researched plan will give you a better chance to […]