How to choose a marketing consultancy business?

Thinking your business would benefit from hiring a consultancy marketing business or person but are unsure of who to pick and how to pick?

Hiring the wrong person or agency will waste your resources and your budget especially if they don’t make progress on your goals. Read on for my tips & advice on how to choose a consultancy marketing partner.

  • Be clear on what you’re trying to achieve.
  • Figure out do you need a marketing consultant or a marketing agency.
  • Know your budget & stick to it.
  • Create a shortlist.
  • Get testimonials, talk to their clients & look at their reviews.


Getting clear on what you’re trying to achieve.

Are you looking for general marketing help, specialised help or to outsource your marketing work? Are you trying to hit a certain sales target? Launch a new project? Develop a campaign? Develop a marketing strategy? There has to be a reason why you’re thinking about hiring a marketing consultant. Write down what you’re trying to improve and achieve (this will narrow down your focus and search).


Do you need a marketing consultant or a consultancy marketing agency?

Depending on what you’re trying to achieve (which you identified in the step above) will help you determine whether you need an agency or a consultant.  If you have a smaller budget and a more specific need, then a consultant might be the right fit. If you have a larger budget and a more broad need, you may do better with an agency with a brand range of services (SEO, content marketing, social media marketing and advertising, strategy, marketing plans, PR, brand & website development).

Know your budget & stick to it

Determine how much you can spend on a marketing consultancy agency or a marketing consultant and search for people and partners within your budget. There is considerable price differences.


Create a shortlist

Choose a list of consultants and agencies that might be a good fit for the role. Have a quick call to see if you fit together. 


Research the feedback on their services

Talk to their past clients, look at their reviews and ask around for feedback. Then make a call on the best consultancy marketing partner to have on your team. 


Hope that helps with your search for a consultancy marketing partner to help you grow your business.

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